

The safety of members of the campus community is a priority. Public safety personnel ensure the safety and security of each campus by regulating building access, patrolling campus property and monitoring parking areas. Emergency Blue Light Stations are accessible on each campus. PCOM students should request a safety escort if there is a concern.

In compliance with the Clery Act, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Department of Public Safety maintains a daily log that contains specific information pertaining to any crimes that occur within the College’s jurisdiction that is reported. The daily crime log may be viewed online at More information is posted on

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Department of Security and Public Safety maintains a daily crime log that contains specific information pertaining to any and all crimes that occur within the College jurisdiction that are reported. The daily crime log may be viewed on the Philadelphia Campus at Rowland Hall, Suite #232, on the Georgia Campus at the Security front desk or on the South Georgia Campus at the Security front desk.

Certain information may be withheld from the crime log under specified circumstances, primarily information that would be jeopardizing the success of an investigation or the safety of a person in the investigation. The Security and Public Safety Department makes the crime log for the most recent 60-day period open to public inspection. While crime logs containing material more than 60 days old are retained for seven years for public inspection upon two days’ notice.

More information is posted on