Academic Integrity Violations and Sanctions


Any violation of academic integrity is a serious offense and is therefore subject to an appropriate penalty or sanction. Academic integrity violations at PCOM are classified into four levels according to the nature of the violation.

The student’s academic program director will determine the level of violation. For each level of violation, a corresponding set of sanctions is recommended. Levels One and Two violations are administered by the faculty in the academic program. The academic program may elect to handle Level Three and Level Four with final approval by the College Dean or send the student to the Student Professional Conduct Committee (SPCC). Level Three and Level Four violations can result in temporary or permanent separation from the College. Please note that separation is a possible sanction for repeat violations at Level One or Level Two.

The recommended sanctions at each level are not binding but are intended as general guidelines for the academic community. Moreover, due to mitigating circumstances, a standard sanction is not always imposed, even when a student is found responsible for a given violation. Culpability may be assessed, and sanctions imposed differentially for those with more or with less experience as members of the academic community.

Examples are cited below for each level of violation. These examples are meant to be illustrations and should not be considered all-inclusive.

Note: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is acknowledged for the work of its faculty in forming the foundation of this policy, as adapted by PCOM.