EDS School Psychology

The EdS program is committed to preparing school psychologists who are thoroughly prepared for service and practice in the 21st century.

With a commitment to excellence, this practitioner-based program prepares highly competent graduates who are uniquely committed to providing high-quality, effective, and ethical school psychological services in educational and mental health settings. The program is also dedicated to preparing students to promote social justice through culturally responsive practice and advocacy to ensure equity for all children.

Few other programs provide a standardized client program, which provides simulated but authentic clinical learning experiences. Students will also engage in field work early on in the program in a variety of settings. In addition to eligibility for school psychology certification, the EdS program at PCOM incorporates a behavior analytic course sequence approved by the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) to pursue certification as a board certified behavior analyst (BCBA).


The 3-year EdS program in School Psychology is fully accredited by the National Association of School Psychologists. Students completing this program are eligible for certification as a school psychologist. The EdS program at PCOM also incorporates a behavior analytic course sequence approved by the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) to pursue certification as a board certified behavior analyst (BCBA).

EdS Degree Completion

The EdS degree can be completed in three years (two years of coursework and a one-year internship). Students in the EdS program will also receive a master’s of science in school psychology following completion of coursework in their second year. Classes meet in the evening hours two to three nights per week. Field experiences take place during the day on a flexible schedule. However, in the third year, the required internship experience must be completed during typical school hours.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Term 1Hours
SPSY 512 Psychometrics 3
SPSY 524 Basic Principles in Applied Behavior Analysis 3
SPSY 613 Assessment I: Cognitive Assessment 3
Term 2
SPSY 504 Developmental 1
SPSY 507 Exceptional Child 2
SPSY 528 Behavior Assessment 3
SPSY 531 Theories of Learning and Behavior 3
SPSY 615 Assessment II: Academic 3
Term 3
SPSY 501 Professional School Psychology 2
SPSY 525 Behavioral Change and Systems Supports 3
SPSY 551 Practicum: Functional Behavior Assessment 1
SPSY 618 Assessment III: Behavioral, Social, and Emotional 3
SPSY 748 Biological Aspects of Behavior 1
Second Year
Term 1
SPSY 508 Foundations of Psychotherapy 3
SPSY 527 Ethics, Law, and Professional Practice 3
Term 2
SPSY 609 CBT in Schools 3
SPSY 614 Multicultural Perspectives in Psychology 3
SPSY 617 Academic and Behavioral Interventions 3
SPSY 622 Direct Assessment of Academic Skills 1
SPSY 652 Practicum: Applied Law & Ethics 1
Term 3
SPSY 526 Single Case Experimental Design 3
SPSY 619 Consultation and Collaboration in Educational Settings 3
SPSY 620 Prevention & Crisis Intervention 3
SPSY 623 English Learners: Implications & Accommodations 3
SPSY 653 Practicum: School-Wide Practices 1
SPSY 740 Instructional Design & Delivery 1
Third Year
Term 1
SPSY 535 Clinical Supervision, Management & Training 3
SPSY 598 MS Comprehensive Exam 0
SPSY 616 Educational Research & Program Evaluation 3
SPSY 654 Practicum: Family-School Partnerships 1
Term 2
SPSY 661 Internship Seminar I 1
Term 3
SPSY 662 Internship Seminar II 1
Fourth Year
Term 1
SPSY 663 Internship Seminar III 1
 Total Hours72