Categories of Discipline for Violations of Conduct Policies

Breaches of appropriate professional behavior and violations of College policy will be subject to, but not limited to, warning, probation, suspension and dismissal. Reports of violations of these policies may be made by an administrator or the Student Professional Conduct Committee to the Provost.

Copies of the violations will be submitted to the Registrar.

Warning: A written admonition to a student for behavior that is found to have constituted a relatively minor offense.

Probation: Disciplinary probation applies when there are findings of unprofessional behavior and/or infractions of the student conduct policy, as indicated by the Student Professional Conduct Committee, and where further infractions or unprofessional behavior will make the student liable for disciplinary dismissal. The provisions of this probation will be decided by the Student Professional Conduct Committee. Such provisions may include a requirement that the student obtain medical and/or psychiatric consultation and treatment, or other terms designed to remedy the behavior being reviewed and to prevent its recurrence.

Suspension: Represents temporary separation from the College. The duration of a suspension shall be determined by the Student Professional Conduct Committee but shall not exceed one academic year. The Committee may also place conditions on the student’s return to the College. Such conditions may include being placed on probation, the student’s obtaining medical and/or psychiatric consultation and treatment, or other appropriate conditions.

Dismissal: Represents permanent separation from the College.