Name and Address Changes
Name Change: Notification for a name change must be accompanied by supporting legal documentation (i.e., marriage certificate, divorce decree, legal name change certificate).
To officially notify PCOM of your official name change, complete the online form from the Registrar’s website:
Address Change: Address changes must be submitted in writing to the Registrar’s Office. Access the forms through the Administrative Services channel under the Registration section on PCOM’s portal or complete the online form from the Registrar’s website:
Preferred First Name: PCOM recognizes that there are members of our faculty, staff, and students that may use names other than their legal name to identify themselves. Access the form through the Administrative Services channel under the Registration section on PCOM’s portal or complete the online form from the Registrar’s website:
The full Preferred First Name Policy (1.10) can be found on myPCOM, Resources section.