Tuition and Fees
The Board of Trustees established the following tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year. Tuition is payable 10 business days before the start of each term. Tuition and a comprehensive fee are subject to change at any time at the discretion of the Board of Trustees. All courses taken will be assessed at the tuition rate of the degree program of the course. If a student is enrolled at PCOM in multiple degree programs, tuition for the course(s) will be charged at the rate of the program with which the course(s) is affiliated. The comprehensive fee is neither returnable nor transferable. Each DO, PharmD, PT and PA student is charged an annual comprehensive fee of $800. Each graduate student is charged a per-term comprehensive fee of $200.
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO)
Tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year is $64,248. Students are charged the comprehensive fee as described above.
Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)
Tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year is $45,912. Students are charged the comprehensive fee as described above.
Doctor of Physical Therapy (PT)
Tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year is $35,876. Students are charged the comprehensive fee as described above.
Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology (PsyD)
Tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year is $1,387 per credit. Students are charged the comprehensive fee as described above.
Doctoral Program in School Psychology (PsyD)
Tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year is charged in the following:
500 Level Course $1,006 per credit
600 Level Course $1,087 per credit
700 Level Course $1,299 per credit
Students are charged the comprehensive fee as described above.
Educational Specialist Degree - Psychology (EdS)
Tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year is charged in the following:
500 Level Course $1,006 per credit
600 Level Course $1,087 per credit
700 Level Course $1,299 per credit
Students are charged the comprehensive fee as described above.
Master’s Degree Program in Mental Health Counseling (MS), Applied Behavior Analysis(CGS, CAGS, MS), Applied Positive Psychology(MS), Cognitive Behavior Therapy(CAGS), Professional Counseling(CAGS)
Tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year is $1,006 per credit for all master’s of psychology students. Students are charged the comprehensive fee as described above.
Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences (MS) and Medical Simulation(CGS, CAGS)
Tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year is $1,150 per credit. Students are charged the comprehensive fee as described above.
Master’s Degree Program in Health Sciences (Physician Assistant) (PA)
Tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year is $60,664. Students are charged the comprehensive fee as described above.
Master’s Degree Program in Forensic Medicine (MS) and Pathway Program
Tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year is $1,068 per credit for all forensic medicine students. Students are charged the comprehensive fee as described above.
Master’s Degree Program in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program
Tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year is $1,011 per credit for all Medical Laboratory Science students. Students are charged the comprehensive fee as described above.
Late Payment
It is the policy of the College that the payment of tuition and the comprehensive fee is due in full at each billing cycle as published in the College calendar. All students who expect to take out loans to meet their obligations must show proof of pending loans sufficient to meet the payment of tuition and fee on the due date.
If tuition is not paid in full on that day, or if proof of adequate pending loans is not furnished, a late fee of $100 will be assessed 14 days and every 28 days after the tuition due date until such time as all obligations are met. A check that is not honored by the bank on which it was drawn will be subject to a $50 fee.
Students with outstanding balances from previous terms will not be permitted to register for the next term until all financial obligations are met either by payment in full or by proof of adequate pending loans.
All prior year balances must be satisfied before a student is permitted to start a new academic year. Balances remaining unpaid at the end of the fourth year or end of the degree program will prevent a student from receiving his or her diploma. In the event that a student receives and accepts a late admission to the first year of study, an exception to the above policy will be considered if the appropriate loan applications are filed immediately with the expectation of making full tuition payment by the end of the first term. This exception is for the first term of the first year only. Any other exceptions to this policy must be discussed with the Director of Financial Services.
In accordance with VA policy, students receiving VA benefits will not be charged a late fee due to any delay in receipt of their VA benefits.
Late Fees
The Registrar’s Office will charge a late fee to those students who have not completed their registration by the published deadline.
Tuition Payment Policy
The College expects all tuition bills to be paid by the date stated on the tuition bill. A check that is not honored by the bank on which it is drawn will be subject to a $50 fee. Below is a schedule of important milestones for tuition payment:
Deferment of Payment:
The College will allow a student to defer payment on those tuition amounts that will be paid from the proceeds of loans to be received by the College. The student:
- Must have completed all paperwork pertinent to those loans, and all materials must have been sent to the respective lending agency prior to the due date.
Please Note: Students who have applied for loans to pay part of their obligation and will pay the remaining balance from personal sources must pay that balance as of the tuition due date.
Below is a listed schedule of important milestones for tuition payment at PCOM:
- Approximately 30 days prior to the start of the term — Bursar will send out the e-bill.
- 14 days prior to the start of the student's program's term — tuition is due.
- 14 days after the tuition due date — late penalties to be assessed (i.e.: late fee, hold and inactivate badge). Late penalties will be assessed every 28 days after the tuition due date listed on your e-bill.
At ECSI, a series of four increasingly urgent letters and a phone call are completed at 30 day intervals. At the end of that series of letters the student will be placed in collection with one of the two collection companies. A warning letter is sent to each student prior to the submission of their account to collections. All collection fees related to the collection of past due accounts are the responsibility of the student.
Allowances will be made for those students that are accepted just prior to the start of the term.
Tuition Bill
Tuition at PCOM is billed electronically. An E-bill will be sent to your PCOM email address approximately 30 days prior to the start of the term. Tuition is charged each enrolled term. A paper invoice will only be mailed upon a student’s request to the Bursar’s Office.
PCOM Deferred Payment Plan
The deferred Payment Plan is interest-free and administered on a per-term basis via NelNet. There is a service fee of $30 per term. Contact the PCOM Bursar Office for more details. The payments for the deferred Payment Plan are as follows:
1st Payment: 40% of the amount owed
2nd Payment: 30% of original the amount owed
3rd Payment: Remaining balance owed
Late Fees
The Registrar’s Office will charge a late fee to those students who have not completed their registration by the published deadline.
The Bursar’s Office will charge a late fee to those students who have not completed their financial obligations. A late fee will be placed on each delinquent account 14 days after the due date and every 28 days after the tuition due date listed on your bill, until your account is paid in full.
If proceeds from loans are received by the Bursar and a student does not appear to endorse the check(s) within the authorized time period, a late fee on the balance payable by the loan will be applied retroactively.
In the event that a student receives and accepts a late admission to the first year of study, an exception to the above policy will be considered if the appropriate loan applications are filed immediately in the expectation of making full tuition payment. This exception is for the first payment period of the first year of study only. Any exceptions beyond the first payment period must be discussed with the Chief Student Services Officer.
Disbursement of Refunds
Refund checks or direct deposits will be produced every Tuesday. Cutoff times for processing refunds are end of day Monday. The exceptions to the refund schedule are the following:
- Banking or school holidays: Refunds will be processed the next business day.
- Philadelphia Campus is closed: Refunds will be processed the business day the campus reopens.
- First disbursement date of each term: Refunds will be processed 7 to 10 days following the disbursement of loans.
It is strongly recommended that students sign up for direct deposit for their refunds. You can find the Direct Deposit Form on the Financial Aid and Billing section of You will see the form listed in the Bursar's Office Section of the page. Download the form. Fill in your information and send the completed form to This process is safer and a more convenient way for students to receive funds. Direct deposit of student refunds is available by completing an authorization form. The initial setup for direct deposit will take approximately one week. The funds will be electronically posted to your bank account within two days. For example, if your refund is processed on Tuesday, then the funds will be posted to your bank account on Wednesday or Thursday.
Tuition Refund Schedule
Graduate/Professional Students(excluding Clinical rotation students)
Withdrawal Within: Tuition Owed Credit
1st week of class 0% 100%
2nd week of class 10% 90%
3rd and 4th week of class 25% 75%
5th through 7th week of class 50% 50%
After 7th week of class 100% 0%
If a student is required by their academic program to take a mandatory leave or is academically dismissed while currently enrolled in courses (not clinical rotations) for the term, a 100% tuition refund will be issued for those course/courses for that term. If the student has financial aid, the return of Title IV aid process will be completed. If the amount PCOM is required to be returned in financial aid exceeds the tuition refunded, the student will be required to make payment of the balance before returning to PCOM.
If the academic program or academic advisor recommends repeating a previously passed and graded course for audit credit, the student will not be charged an additional tuition fee for the audit course. Please note any repeated course will incur a full tuition charge.
All federal financial aid funds are credited or returned in compliance with the Federal Return Policy schedule.
The refund policy is subject to change at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.
Clinical rotation students
If a student is required by their academic program to take a mandatory leave or is academically dismissed while currently enrolled in courses (not clinical rotations) for the term, a 100% tuition refund will be issued for those course/courses for that term. If the student has financial aid, the return of Title IV aid process will be completed. If the amount PCOM is required to be returned in financial aid exceeds the tuition refunded, the student will be required to make payment of the balance before returning to PCOM.
When the clinical student returns from their leave of absence, a calculation will be completed to determine the possibility of a pro-rated future tuition charge. Please note any repeated clinical rotation will incur a full tuition charge.
If a clinical student decides not to return from their leave of absence, it is the student's responsibility to contact the Bursar's Office( to inquire if a prorated tuition refund can be provided for the term in which they took the leave of absence.
Those students impacted by this include:
- Third and fourth year Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine,
- Fourth Year Doctor of Pharmacy,
- Second Year Physician Assistant Studies,
- Third year Doctor of Physical Therapy.
All federal financial aid funds are credited or returned in compliance with the Federal Return Policy schedule.
The refund policy is subject to change at the discretion of the Board of Trustees
Outstanding Balances and Graduation
If, for any reason, a graduating student has a balance on his/her account at the end of his/her final class year, that student will not receive a diploma. Students must also comply with any other fees, deadlines, or financial policies required by their specific program.