Appealing an Academic Dismissal Decision

Academic Dismissal Appeal Process

Any student appealing an academic dismissal is entitled to a hearing before the Faculty Committee on Academic Appeals (FCAA). The student must submit a request for an appeal via the academic appeal form within 5 business days after the student has been notified of dismissal.

At the hearing, the student's appeal should clearly identify a procedural error and or perceived bias. If the student believes there were procedural errors, please provide specific policies and/or procedures that were not followed. For perceived bias, please define the context of the observed bias and provide supporting evidence/examples. The student may be represented by an attorney or other persons. The FCAA will review and recommend one of the following to the Provost:

Uphold the dismissal (Appeal denied)
Rescind the dismissal (Appeal accepted)
A letter from the Provost will be sent to the student notifying them of the decision in regards to their appeal.

Academic Appeal Timeline

  1. SPEC committee notifies the student of their dismissal.
  2. The student submits an appeal form within 5 business days of their dismissal notification.
  3. The Faculty Committee on Academic Appeals will review the appeal and contact the student to set up a hearing. The student can waive the option to appear before the committee.
  4. The committee makes a recommendation to the Provost.
  5. The Provost will send a letter to the student stating the decision with copies to the appropriate administrators.
If you have any questions about the academic appeals process, please contact PCOM's Student Services.

Reinstatement After a Dismissal

Students who have been dismissed may re-apply to PCOM. A formal petition by the student must be made in writing to the Provost via submission of the Separation Reinstatement form found on the Registrar's Webpage. A special subcommittee will convene to consider the request. Where appropriate, the subcommittee may also require a recommendation from the director of the respective professional or graduate program and an interview with the student. All prior college
The reinstatement form can be found on the registrar's page.