Drug and Alcohol Policies

It is the policy of PCOM to maintain an environment that is free of substance abuse by students, faculty, and employees.

The policy includes the following:

  1. Prohibition Against Unlawful Presence of Controlled Substances on Campus (refer to Additional Policies and Procedures section of this handbook).
  2. Prohibition Against the Unauthorized Presence of Alcoholic Beverages (refer to Additional Policies and Procedures section of this handbook).
  3. Prohibition Against Being Under the Influence of Any Alcohol or Controlled Substance at any College activity or function.

When a student is suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, that student will be reported to the Student Affairs Director on their respective campus. Appropriate actions will be taken. This may include referral to counseling support programs, suspension, or termination of enrollment.

The full Substance Abuse Policy (2.45) can be found on MyPCOM, Resources Section.